About Our CEO
A Vision For Success
Over the years, I’ve come to understand how important it is to solve problems and how valuable solutions can be, especially in business. If you can anticipate a need and provide a service or a product to fulfill that need, I would consider that success. "Well, we've come up with great solutions for established business owners who truly want to grow and scale their business but may not have access to capital, the education or the technology needed to get to that next level. This is why joining PIN is so important. We have the necessary tools needed to help businesses understand what it will take to get what they need. We’re excited about the opportunity to educate and expose you to something that could potentially change generations.
Rodney Woods
Founder, CEO & Board Chairman
Featured Audiences
We help to get Solutions!
Where MBE, WBE, Small Businesses, Corporations, Investors, Financial Institutions, Athletes & Entertainers and Technology Unite.
Minority, Women-Owned & Small Business Enterprises
Minority, Women-Owned & Small Business Enterprises
Financial Institutions
Financial Institutions
Athletes & Entertainers
Athletes & Entertainers